Authority & Intuition

Human Design authority refers to the internal decision-making mechanism unique to each individual, based on the configuration of their energy centers and their interaction with the external world. It serves as a personalized roadmap for navigating life's choices with clarity, authenticity, and empowerment. There are several types of authority in Human Design, each corresponding to different energy centers and strategies for decision-making:

  • Sacral Authority: Sacral authority is primarily associated with Generators and Manifesting Generators, whose sacral center is defined and serves as a source of vital life force energy. Sacral authority operates on the principle of responding to gut-level impulses and sensations. Generators and Manifesting Generators are designed to listen to the sacral's response—a clear "yes" or "no"—when making decisions. By tuning into their sacral response, they can discern what truly lights them up and guides them toward aligned action.

  • Splenic Authority: Splenic authority is linked to those whose splenic center is defined, such as Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors. The splenic center is associated with intuition, instincts, and survival intelligence. Individuals with splenic authority are guided by sudden flashes of intuition, gut feelings, or a sense of knowingness that arises in the present moment. By trusting their inner knowing and following their instincts, they can make decisions that are in harmony with their deeper wisdom and well-being.

  • Emotional Authority: Emotional authority is characteristic of individuals with a defined emotional solar plexus center, including Manifestors, Generators, and Manifesting Generators. The emotional solar plexus governs the ebb and flow of emotional waves, impacting the individual's mood and decision-making process. Those with emotional authority are advised to wait out their emotional waves before making important decisions. By allowing time for emotional clarity to emerge, they can avoid making decisions from a place of emotional turbulence and gain insight into their true desires.

  • Ego Authority: Ego authority is associated with individuals whose ego center is defined, such as Manifestors, Generators, and Manifesting Generators. The ego center represents willpower, self-worth, and self-esteem. Those with ego authority are guided by a sense of inner confidence, self-assurance, and recognition of their worthiness. By honoring their authentic desires and aspirations, they can make decisions that align with their true sense of self and purpose.

  • Self-Projected Authority: Self-projected authority is unique to Projectors, who have a defined G center and a defined throat center. Projectors are designed to wait for the invitation from others before sharing their wisdom and insights. Self-projected authority involves projecting oneself into the future and imagining how a potential decision will feel and resonate. By envisioning themselves in different scenarios and listening to their inner guidance, Projectors can discern whether an opportunity aligns with their path and purpose.

  • Lunar Authority: Lunar authority is specific to Reflectors, whose entire chart is open and undefined. Reflectors are deeply attuned to the lunar cycle and the changing energies of the environment. Lunar authority involves waiting through a complete lunar cycle—approximately 28 days—before making significant decisions. By observing the fluctuations of energy and gaining perspective over time, Reflectors can make decisions that honor their unique sensitivity and adaptability.

Book a Human Design Reading with Katie: If you have questions or would like further guidance on interpreting your Human Design chart, consider booking a reading with Katie, a certified Human Design practitioner. Katie can offer additional insights and support to help you navigate your chart and apply its wisdom to your life.


Strategy & Manifestation


Energy Type