Energy Type

At its core, a Human Design energy type is a classification that reflects the fundamental way in which we interact with and express our energy in the world. There are five primary energy types in Human Design: Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector. Each type has its own unique aura, strategy, and authority, shaping how we navigate life and interact with others.

  • Manifestor: Manifestors are the initiators and innovators of the world. With a powerful, closed aura, they have the ability to initiate action and bring their visions into reality. Manifestors are here to impact and catalyze change, often operating independently and forging their path forward. Their strategy is to inform others before taking action, allowing them to move freely and authentically.

  • Generator: Generators are the builders and creators, with a sustainable, enveloping aura that draws opportunities and experiences toward them. They thrive on work that lights them up and brings satisfaction and fulfillment. Generators are here to respond to life's invitations, following what excites them and honing their skills through trial and error. Their strategy is to wait for a clear response from their sacral center before committing to action.

  • Manifesting Generator: Manifesting Generators combine the qualities of Manifestors and Generators, possessing a dynamic, multifaceted aura that seeks to explore and experiment. They are here to blaze their trail, harnessing their energy and intuition to manifest their visions. Manifesting Generators follow a strategy similar to Generators, waiting for a clear response from their sacral center before taking action, but they often move quickly and engage in multiple endeavors simultaneously.

  • Projector: Projectors are the guides and advisors, gifted with a penetrating, absorbing aura that penetrates deeply into the energy of others. They excel at seeing the big picture and offering insightful guidance and direction. Projectors are here to wait for recognition and invitation from others before sharing their wisdom and leadership. Their strategy is to wait for the invitation that aligns with their unique gifts and talents.

  • Reflector: Reflectors are the mirrors and catalysts, with a rare, open aura that reflects the energy of their environment. They possess a heightened sensitivity to the energies around them, serving as barometers of collective consciousness. Reflectors are here to bring awareness and perspective to the world, offering insights into the health and dynamics of their communities. Their strategy is to wait through the lunar cycle before making major decisions, allowing them to gain clarity and perspective.

Book a Human Design Reading with Katie: If you have questions or would like further guidance on interpreting your Human Design chart, consider booking a reading with Katie, a certified Human Design practitioner. Katie can offer additional insights and support to help you navigate your chart and apply its wisdom to your life.


Authority & Intuition


Finding Your Human Design